CMAA Events:
Enriching Sacred Music Experiences


The Church Music Association of America offers many informative and transformative experiences in Catholic sacred music across the nation.

We present a variety of events throughout the year, designed to enrich the knowledge and skills of Catholic Sacred Music Directors, priests, choristers, and the faithful of all experience levels.

Immerse yourself in the timeless beauty of sacred music as you connect with fellow musicians, learn from esteemed experts, and elevate your musical abilities to new heights.

Summer 2024 Events

Sacred Music Colloquium

June 24-29, 2024 | Champaign, Illinois

Our flagship event featuring renowned directors, organists, and incomparable Sacred Liturgies. From beginner to advanced, the Colloquium offers an unforgettably enriching and rewarding experience of the Sacred.

Five-day Courses

June 17-21, 2024 | Champaign, Illinois

Gregorian Chant Intensive
Vocal Intensive
Organ Improvisation

Through the Year

Forum for Organists

Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024
8 PM (EST)

Join in the discussion regarding the use of organ for liturgy. We will discuss such topics as: Transitioning from Piano to Organ, Improvisation techniques, and suggested repertoire.

Hymnals and Pew Resources Q&A

Monday, Feb 12, 2024
8 PM (EST)

Join the CMAA in a virtual session where we will discuss Hymnals, Pew Resources and also a general Question and Answer session.

Summer Courses

June 18 – 22, 2024

St. John Newman Center | Champaign, IL

Vocal Intensive

Gregorian Chant Intensive

Organ Improvisation

Colloquium 2024

June 24 – 29

St. John Newman Center | Champaign, IL

Our flagship event featuring renowned directors, organists, and incomparable Sacred Liturgies. From beginner to advanced, the Colloquium offers an unforgettably enriching and rewarding experience of the Sacred.

Forum for Organists

Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024
8 PM (EST)

Join in the discussion regarding the use of organ for liturgy. We will discuss such topics as: Transitioning from Piano to Organ, Improvisation techniques, and suggested repertore.

Hymnals and Pew Resources Q&A

Monday, Feb 12, 2024
8 PM (EST)

Join the CMAA in a virtual session where we will discuss Hymnals, Pew Resources and also a general Question and Answer session.

Summer Courses

June 18 – 22, 2024

St. John Newman Center | Champaign, IL

Vocal Intensive

Gregorian Chant Intensive

Organ Improvisation

Colloquium 2024

June 24 – 29

St. John Newman Center | Champaign, IL

Our flagship event featuring renowned directors, organists, and incomparable Sacred Liturgies. From beginner to advanced, the Colloquium offers an unforgettably enriching and rewarding experience of the Sacred.

Sacred Music Colloquium

Annual Colloquium

Experience our flagship event: the annual Sacred Music Colloquium draws in musicians from across the country to new locations each year.  This multi-day workshop brings together renowned directors, organists and scholars in the field of sacred music. Immerse yourself in the rich heritage of Gregorian chant, polyphony, and liturgies through engaging lectures, hands-on workshops, rehearsals, and inspiring liturgical celebrations. Open to all, this event offers a unique opportunity to grow in your musical knowledge and skills.

Chant Modes Classes

Seasonal Workshops

Our seasonal workshops and seminars take place throughout the year in various locations, making it more accessible for music directors, choristers, and religious individuals across different regions to participate. Led by experienced faculty members, these events provide a focused platform for beginning to advanced musicians to delve into specific aspects of sacred music, explore pedagogy, and foster specialized connections.

Virtual Events

Recognizing the importance of virtual learning, we offer a range of webinars, virtual courses, and FAQs that allow you to engage with sacred music from the comfort of your own home. Explore diverse topics such as chant interpretation, choral conducting techniques, music theory for sacred music, and more. Our expert instructors bring their wealth of knowledge and experience to your screen, providing invaluable insights and guidance. Some online experiences may be available for CMAA Members only.

Sample Event Offerings

Pray with the Church

How to Read Square Notes

Forming a Chant Schola

Chant Conducting

Pipe Organ Lessons & Mechanics

The Documents of Vatican II

Building a Music Budget

Vocal Technique and Health

Stay in Tune with the Latest Sacred Music Events!

Join our mailing list to be the first to know about upcoming workshops, conferences, webinars, and other enriching events hosted by the Church Music Association of America. By subscribing, you’ll receive timely updates, insider information, and special offers tailored to your interests. Sign up now to stay in tune with the CMAA and embark on a transformative musical journey.

Join our mailing list today and let the beauty of sacred music fill your inbox with inspiration and possibilities!

The CMAA changed my life. I knew there was more to Mass than hymns, but I was unsure of the best path forward. It is one thing to read the documents, but a life-changer to see the Church’s guidelines carried out faithfully. Truly beautiful!


Choir Director, St. Cloud, Minnesota

The Colloquium was like stepping into a musical oasis. The atmosphere was filled with reverence, talent, and a shared love for sacred music. The workshops and seminars offered valuable insights into the history, interpretation, and practical aspects of chant and polyphony. As a choir member whose pretty new to all of this, I felt inspired and empowered to bring everything I learned back to my parish. It was an unforgettable experience that deepened my connection to God through music.


Kansas City, Kansas

We’d love to help with your event

The CMAA is pleased to post information about your sacred music event: see the Forum for more church music events.

If you are thinking of organizing a workshop, here are some practical suggestions, including a link to information on how to create your own online registration form.